
My name is Muhang Li, and I'm a software engineering student at McGill University. I enjoy solving coding puzzles, playing video games, and practicing Kendo.

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My Projects


A turn-based multiplayer Windows board game implemented using Unreal Engine 4.

Simple Raytracer

A simple ray tracer that renders spheres, planes, boxes, triangle meshes, and quadrics.

Perspective Projection

Used projection frustums to draw a scene with blur due to a simulated aperture, creating a depth of field effect. It also implemented a dolly zoom effect.

MNIST Image Analysis

Image analysis prediction on a modified MNIST dataset where three numbers are presented. Implemented a neural network model with Keras and on top of the pre-trained VGG16 model.

Pentago AI player

An AI agent for solving pentago. Algorithms used include minimax, alpha-beta pruning, heuristic evaluation, and iterative deepening search.

Reddit Comment Classification

20-class text classification on 70000 random selected samples with various linear models and RNN.

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